Lawrence J. Sommer - Historian
Education: Lawrence J. Sommer received a B.A. from Carlton College, Northfield, Minnesota in 1968. He went on to receive a M.A. in History and Historic Preservation Studies from the University of Minnesota in 1971. Lawrence specializes in historic preservation and architectural and local history.
Experience and Qualifications: Lawrence served as the State Historic Preservation Officer for Nebraska from 1992-2005. He was the Director and CEO of the Nebraska and Montana (1989-1992) State Historical Societies. From 1977 to 1989 he was the Director of the St. Louis County Historical Society and Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, Minnesota. He has also served as a city planning official and consultant in several states. He is the author/editor of three books and numerous other articles and technical reports related to historic preservation planning, architecture and local history.